
This site is my exploration of life as an academic practitioner working with children excluded from mainstream education.

As a practitioner, I have worked continually in primary education for around 30 years and have been a headteacher for about half that time.  I am the full-time academy lead of the Forwards Centre (an Alternative Provision academy for excluded primary aged pupils).

I have an academic interest in the way we understand the world and the impact this has on inclusive practice for excluded pupils.

This website is a place to develop ideas, share information and connect with others attempting to do the same. My aim is to develop my understanding and improve practice.

Many practitioners will not have the unfettered access to academic literature that a university library card brings. I will therefore aim to only cite sources that are freely available to all and none that sit behind institutional logins or journal paywalls.

I hope you find it useful. 

Dr Chris Fielding


Periodically,  I will send out the way that the latest research and practice impacts on children excluded from school. Sign up below and let me know if you think something needs to be included – Chris

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